Welcome to the Cartographer Syndicate! This handbook is your guide to navigating our community, understanding our values, and maximizing your membership. Whether you're new or experienced, this will help you actively participate and contribute to our Web3 grants ecosystem.

Welcome Message

Hello and welcome!

We're a group of visionaries mapping the future of Web3 grants. We collaborate with thought leaders to shape this evolving landscape. Whether you're a grant manager, service provider, or passionate about Web3, your perspective can help us chart new territories.

Getting Started:

  1. Introduce Yourself: Say hello in the #general channel on Discord (or Charmverse). Share about yourself and your interests.
  2. Select Your Roles: Use the reaction role bot to choose areas of interest and access relevant channels, or receive your role after onboarding.
  3. Explore the Community: Join discussions and projects that excite you.
  4. Participate in Calls: Join office hours, team calls, and community calls to stay informed and share ideas.

For questions or help, reach out in the #support-help channel. We're here for you.

Membership Involves:

Benefits of Joining