Project Overview

The Cartographer Syndicate is developing a comprehensive Web3 Grant Registry on the Arbitrum network to curate and maintain a definitive resource for grant programs within the Web3 ecosystem. As part of this initiative, we seek proposals for developing and integrating a robust reputation system.  The reputation system will play a crucial role in enhancing the trust and credibility of the Web3 Grant Registry.

Awardees - Trustful (by Blockful) is developing an on-chain reputation using Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS) for grant program evaluation. Their approach allows grantees to evaluate grant programs through attestations and badges, opening up new forms of grant program accountability. The team's background includes multiple hackathon wins and significant contributions to DAOs like ENS. They plan to implement a nomination system for organic network growth as part of their proposal.

RFP 1 Project View:

Trustful Site: Cartographers Syndicate/Trustful - Report and Alignments

Scope of Work

The selected developer or team will be responsible for designing and implementing a reputation system that aligns with the Web3 Grant Registry's objectives and technical requirements. This includes:

The reputation system should seamlessly integrate with the Web3 Grant Registry's existing smart contract infrastructure on the Arbitrum network. The developer or team should ensure compatibility with the registry's data structures, APIs, and other relevant components. The reputation system should be able to read and write data to the registry and interact with other modules, such as the matchmaking system and the review platform. The proposal should include a detailed plan for integration, including any necessary modifications to the existing codebase and a timeline for testing and deployment.

Communication and Updates

The selected developer or team must communicate regularly with the Cartographer Syndicate throughout the project. This includes: