The RFP 1

The RFP 1 entails a customized version of Trustful, a reputation aggregator, specifically designed for the Cartographers Syndicate community. Trustful is a product currently being developed by Blockful (meet blockful).

Initially, RFP 1 had a broader scope, including features like ZK (Zero-Knowledge proofs) and user profiles. However, during the proposal development, it became evident that these elements would require a longer development time that would not align with the deadline. Nevertheless, these features are indeed part of our future roadmap and can be implemented subsequently.

The final deliverables for RFP 1 are as follows:

The implementation of ZK will be crucial in the next steps, as grantees should have the right to provide sincere and honest evaluations of grant programs without the risk of financial or moral repercussions.

Trustful had an MVP with badge issuance being utilized at ZuVillage Georgia, and it can advance its roadmap by incorporating the scoring component through the Cartographers Syndicate initiative. A significant focus of our future product development is aligned with the community's priorities: resource allocation, grants, and impact.


Karma GAP - Grant Program Aggregator — Firefox Developer Edition 2024-09-02 16-25-44.mp4


Front end:

GitHub - blockful-io/gap-app-v2 at feat/grant-review
